General Information
Where can I find the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Request Form?
Beginning with the 2018 Season, Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests will be submitted online via the Little League Data Center. Requests are initiated by US district administrators on behalf of their leagues.
For district administrators (to submit reimbursement requests, once the form is live):
- Log on to the Little League Data Center.
- Under the District Resources section of your Data Center dashboard, click the Manage League Forms link and then click the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests link.
For leagues (to monitor the status of reimbursement requests):
- Log on to the Little League Data Center.
- Under the League Resources section of your Data Center dashboard, click the Manage Forms link and then click the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests link.
When can my Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Request be submitted?
The Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Request forms are now available on the Little League Data Center for the 2018 Season. The deadline for Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests is September 15, 2018.
Who is eligible to receive Tournament Mileage Reimbursement?
US leagues whose teams travel 150 miles or more per round trip to sectional, state, divisional, or regional-level tournaments are eligible for the reimbursement. District leagues are not eligible for reimbursement. Host teams will not receive the additional $250 regional-level reimbursement.
How is the reimbursement calculated?
US leagues whose teams travel 150 miles or more per round trip to sectional, state, divisional, or regional-level tournaments will receive $1.00 per mile for each mile travelled. A team advancing to the regional tournament will receive an additional credit of $250.00. The round-trip mileage to each level of tournament is calculated automatically based on the league's home city, state, and zip code to the city, state, and zip code that is entered for each tournament. This zip code-to-zip code calculation is pulled from the shortest-distance driving directions by Google Maps. This may vary very slightly from the distance to a ball field's specific street address.
How and when are leagues reimbursed?
A credit is applied to your league's account with Little League International. Credit balances may be applied toward future Chartering, Insurance Enrollment, and Tournament Enrollment fees, or you may request a refund.
These credits will be applied to the league's account no later than October 1, 2018.
Information for District Administrators
Are paper reimbursement forms still accepted?
Beginning with the 2018 Season, Tournament Mileage Reimbursement requests may only be submitted online via the Little League Data Center.
How are reimbursement requests submitted?
All tournament mileage reimbursement requests are initiated and submitted by the district administrator. League officers do not have the option to do so. District administrators will need to log in to the Little League Data Center and click the Tournament Tools link and then click the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests link; or alternatively, click on the Manage League Forms link and then click the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Requests link.
To start a new Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Request, the district administrator will need to click the Start New Reimbursement Request button.
The district administrator will need to provide the following information when completing a reimbursement request:
The league's Home City, State, Zip. City and State will be prepopulated based on the League Location provided by the league during Chartering.
Tournament Date, Tournament City, State, Zip for each appropriate tournament level.
If a league did not participate in a specific level of tournament play, the district administrator will need to check the [League Name] did not participate in the [Tournament Level] tournament checkbox for that level. All data entry fields are required unless the checkbox is checked.
The City, State, and Zip of the league's home location and each tournament location are verified upon entry:
The Round-Trip Mileage is automatically calculated if the city, state, and zip are valid. Mileage cannot be edited.
Reimbursement totals are calculated in real time and displayed at the bottom of the online request form.
District administrators have the option of saving the progress and returning later to complete the reimbursement request or they can submit it on for regional review and approval.
What if I disagree with a distance that is being calculated by Google Maps?
The district administrator should go ahead and submit the Tournament Mileage Reimbursement Request. He/she should then immediately contact the appropriate Regional Headquarters Office to discuss the dispute. Whether or not to override the auto-calculated distance is solely at the regional director's discretion.